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Alternative Fuel

Amselor is committed to creating a sustainable future by taking steps towards a clean and eco-friendly ecosystem. As part of our commitment, we are constantly seeking ways to reduce our carbon footprint and minimize the impact of our operations on the environment.

At Amselor, we are dedicated to reducing carbon emissions by offering and recommending eco-friendly alternative fuels such as RDF, medical waste, sugar cane bagasse and rice husk waste based on the availability and demand of our customers. We specialize in the trade of alternative fuels and work closely with our clients to help them reduce their carbon footprint through collaborative efforts.

At Amselor, we believe that taking care of the planet is everyone’s responsibility, and we are proud to be doing our part. Our goal is to create a better future for our planet and generations to come, and we are committed to achieving it through our business practices and services.

Amselor is committed to promoting sustainable development and reducing carbon footprint through the use of alternative fuels. We are constantly exploring and procuring new and innovative ways to harness energy from renewable sources. Our expert team is dedicated to identifying and implementing the best solutions to meet the ever-increasing demand for clean energy.


We specialize in catering to the unique requirements of our clients in the Indian market. With a deep understanding of the energy landscape, we provide customized solutions that meet their specific needs.

Our commitment to sustainability and our deep industry knowledge make us the ideal partner for businesses looking to reduce their environmental impact. At Amselor, we are proud to work with some of the best producers of alternative fuels in the industry. From biofuels to hydrogen, we have a range of solutions that can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. By partnering with us, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and take a proactive role in addressing the urgent issue of global warming. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that our clients have access to the best alternative fuels available in the market. We work closely with our producers to ensure that quality is maintained at every step of the supply chain. With our extensive network and expertise in logistics, we ensure that our clients have a reliable and seamless supply of alternative fuels. print.

“Join us in our mission to create a cleaner, more sustainable future for all. Contact Amselor today to learn more about our alternative fuel solutions and how we can help your business reduce its carbon foot”
